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Darsombra, Lumberob, Polly Vinylchloryd

  • Mama Tried 787 3rd Avenue Brooklyn NY 11232 United States (map)

+Darsombra- is a trans-apocalyptic galaxy rock duo from Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Known internationally for walking the line between glam-prog-psych-stoner metal and site-specific installation performance art, their hallucinogenic live audio-visual shows are often met with the following responses: “I didn’t know what to expect, but that was awesome”, “I’ve never seen anything like that before”, and “it was like tripping on acid, without the acid.”

+Lumberob- uses experimental word-play reminiscent of the early Dada works of Hugo Ball and Kurt Schwitters.

+Polly Vinylchloryd- Psychedelic Synth Diva

October 23

Leeward, Wide Right, Jupiter Boys

October 25

DJ Coconut